San Marcos Bars

best bars and pubs in san marcos texas

Contact San Marcos Bars

Know of a great new bar in San Marcos or maybe a drink special that can't be beat? Let us know! Our goal is to list and review every great bar or pub in the San Marcos area. We can drink a lot but there's only so many bars we can hit before suffering kidney failure, we need your help!

Add Your Bar!

Do you have a bar in San Marcos? We would love to hear about it! Send us an email with a little information about your great bar and we will create a special page dedicated to your establishment so the beer lovers of San Marcos can see exactly why your bar rocks!

Please send as much information as you can. The more we know, the more we can share. Pictures of your regulars having fun are great but we also need to know about your opening hours and any great drink specials you may have.

Oh and do us a big favor and link back to San Marcos Bars. Help us share the love of drinking with all of our friends in San Marcos! When adding the link, please make it go to: